McDonald's has basically launched a kind of humorous "sundial" to tell you when it's a great time to eat one of their meal selections. How great is that? Two timeless concepts - fast food and sundials - combine to earn a little extra limelight.
In this day of flashy internet advertising and over-the-top tv spots vying for the less than seconds people are even willing to consider paying attention, I believe this quirky approach is kind of a last frontier.
Billboards are somewhat of an eyesore, at times. (How many of the ones that you see every day can you possibly recall at the drop of a hat?) But this one would stick out to me. I may not eat there, but I would like to see a little something different in a billboard, thank you very much.
Of course as ChicagoBusiness.com points out, there is much more at stake than keeping a potential customer entertained. McD's is in a very real nationwide contest to win breakfast dollars that are going to go somewhere. If I had to wager, I would bet the corporate burger-slingers are focusing more of their marketing attention on morning sales than any other segment.
My advice – show the folks in Oak Brook, Il., that you are more interested in having good food fast than a simple quick meal. Support your local independent restaurants, especially in the morning (where applicable).
Besides, you already know what the Mc-whatever-they're-serving tastes like, but you never know what wonderful flavors Mom and Pop down the street have cooking up for you . . .
Wow, I hate McDonald's, but I like that ad. Its clever and will probably proove to be effective.
At this point I have to wonder why McDonalds feels the need to advertise at all. I would wager the majority of American citizens have visited a McDonalds at least once in their life. So I would just rather they save the advertising, and put the "Golden Arches" on a sign high enough to be seen over everthing else so I can find them on 59 cent cheeseburger day!
I happen to like the McFood, but it doesn't like me and anyhow... I am on boycott again with yet another fast food joint.
Besides, I'd rather support the all American mom & pop business that made this country great to begin with [Emphasis added] not some form of corporate welfare for low paying jobs. ***Stepping down from soapbox now***
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