And I have to hand it to him; in "Dead Alive," I think he out Romeroed George A. Romero.
"Dead Alive" is by far the most bloody gore-filled zombie romp I have ever seen. It has a fantastic sense of humor whereby you find yourself more often laughing than squirming at the sight of so much dismemberment and flesh consumption.
Plot (applied here loosely): The bite of a freakishly evil monkey turns a prudish elderly lady into her sheltered son's worst nightmare.
This movie has very interesting visual effects that had to require some original engineering to complete without the assistance of today's sophisticated computers. There are multiple zombie and human death sequences the likes of which do not exist anywhere else -- period.
I'm not sure how easy it is to come by this film, but I picked up a new copy of a no-frills edition at Wal-Mart for less than $8. If you see it, get it and enjoy the splatter comedy that follows.

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