No, it wasn't a political statement or movie review that got people upset. The negative feedback came because I posted some pictures featuring sinister clowns (seen here, here and here).
Personally, I have no beef with clowns and those who like to clown around. Sure, clowns are by and large annoying. But they aren't scary to me.
So I've come to learn that by hook or by crook some folks have a rather deep-seated fear and hatred of those white-faced comedians. I mean, they get the nightmares and the whole nine yards from seeing these performers.
To help us all understand and better appreciate what causes these reactions, I have asked a repeat clown victim to give a personal account of dealing with Ronald McDonald and his cohorts:
Coulrophobia is the official word for the fear of clowns. Yuck! Even typing the word is difficult for me.
A large number of people suffering from coulrophobia have had bad experiences that caused them to develop this fear. I am one of those people. The rest of the population that experience this fear simply hate them because they are creepy, disgusting and NOT funny.
They are often in scary movies, including "Spawn" where the clown is a demon, "Gacy" which is a true story of an idiot that dressed up as a clown and killed little boys and finally, America's favorite, "It".
The shoes, the hair, the red paint around their repulsive mouths - which could only be blood - is frightening and disturbing. They are not cute. They are adult men and the whole purpose of their demeanor, their appearance and their balloon twisting "talent" is to attract children. There is something wrong with that.
There are therapies and treatments for this fear. If I attempted to undergo them, I might just respond positively, but I am convinced that until every clown is burned, we are not safe.
For the enjoyment of the sufferers of coulrophobia:
click here.
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