
August 18, 2006

Your iPod wants freedom

Apple's doing what it can to overcome sweatshop labor conditions at one of its iPod-producing factories.

Did you know that your little treasure chest of "music" was built on the backs of Chinese sweatshop labor? Oh yes, it's true.

Check this out.

Apple is scrambling to correct the fact that this location forces 15-hour work days to keep up with iPod demand. And if that's not enough, workers only make $47 - $50 a month to churn out thousands of the pricey devices.

Here are some facts reported in the original iPod piece:
  • 200,000 people work and sleep at “iPod City”
  • Workers live in dormitories with 100 to a room
  • No one outside the plant is allowed to visit the workers
  • Workers perform military-style drill every morning
  • “Everything considered, the total cost of manufacturing an iPod Nano is around £41. In Britain they sell for between £109 and £179.”
At least now that it has come to Apple's attention, the company is trying to fix the situation. But I wonder how long this was going on before they got around to addressing it?

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