This is Don Wright, mayor of this little town in Tennessee called Gallatin (in Sumner County, a metro Nashville location).
Don is an interesting guy. In addition to mayoring, he is a published author. According to Gallatin's website, Don has another career as the author of "award-winning historical novels." His titles include "The Captives," "The Woodsman," "The Last Plantation" and "Gone To Texas."
Don is a former state Senator. He was an MP. He served in the honor guard. He has been a member of dozens of appointed governmental committees, panels, boards and councils.
So what did Don Wright do to make one of his constituents write the following:
I think it's time for Don Wright to step down as mayor and resign.What was his offense? Well, you could say that he was a little too accommodating to a certain aspect of the Hollywood crowd.
Please quit putting our town in the news with negative, embarrassing incompetent decisions you seem to have been making lately.
It seems some independent filmmakers asked Don if they could use his mayoral office for certain scenes of their "superhero" movie. He agreed after receiving their word that nothing tawdry would occur.
But as it turned out, the film was the latest installment in the "Thong Girl" line of adult-like films, featuring the adventures of "Lana Layonme" and "BoxerBrief Boy." Fine entertainment if there ever was any . . .
Now the Gallatin City Council is preparing to step in and revise ordinances to create more oversight concerning who is allowed to film what and where. And national news outlets to some degree and local reporters are on a "thong watch" to find the next interesting angle or crack in Don's tale.
Meanwhile, film guru wannabe Glen Weiss hopes he'll end up laughing all the way to the bank from folks taking an interest in his films, comic books and assorted underwear-based products.
It seems to me there is a natural opening for cooperation on behalf of the director and the author -- a line of films and books covering the historic adventures of past heroes and heroines clad only in their skivvies.
Whatever the outcome, "Thong Girl 3: Revenge of the Dark Widow" couldn't possibly surpass the cinematic brilliance on display in the second "Thong Girl" film . . .
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