Well, you just might have to add the upcoming "Rocky Balboa" movie to your list of "Stallone films I find entertaining." In fact, this one might be good enough to bump another of his films from your list of favs.
In short, this is the last Rocky movie -- the final adventure of the aged and worn-out fighter that inspired a generation of would-be kings of the ring to enter the squared circle. Rocky plans to get tough again for one last fight, and he's taking on a decidedly younger, faster athlete to determine who is the all-time best. The rest is two hours of training, punching, training, punching and memorable shrugging.
The original Rocky (1976) was written by the star himself. Stallone supposedly banged out the script in three days after being inspired by a real fight. Thus an unsurpassed Hollywood sports franchise was born.
I have seen all the Rocky movies time and again; the fight choreography is some of the best in an American motion picture. Sure, the quality declined with each subsequent addition, and nobody really liked the last one. But this time, I have a good feeling about a Stallone flick . . . this one could really be good.
Interested? In keeping with the revolutionary influence of the Internet on motion-picture making, the Balboa movie has its own blog and complete online rundown of more than enough stuff to keep a fanboy squealing for hours . . . . .

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