Remember Cabbage Patch Kids? They still make them. They still sell them. They are overpriced hunks of plastic and fluff collecting dust on shelves across the country.
In a few months, game players will be able to walk in to just about any store and purchase whatever they want without the hassle of standing in tremendous lines or squaring off with pushy people. And they won't have to camp out overnight to get what they want.
Just in case nobody has put you hip before now, let me be the first to tell you this:
No toy, game or personal amusement device is worth punishing someone else to obtain or radically altering your routine -- even for just a while -- because you want to be first.You know what? You're not a better person because you got a PS3, and you weren't first.
Yes, you are now one of the "lucky ones" who has the new, shiny object. And just like that Cabbage Patch Kid, someone else will get it right after you; they might even pay less for something that comes with more.
In short, can't we all agree that these things are just ways to keep yourself entertained, and in the grand overall scheme of things are really not that important?
No matter how much enjoyment you will derive from it later, is it really worth going all-out and embarrassing yourself just to get it?
Depending on how you answer the above questions, this little bit of advice might help later:

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