Why is it that losers -- portrayed correctly -- can be so darn funny? I mean in a way, isn't the number one movie in American essentially the tale of a strange loser muddling his way across the country? Fake falls, potty humor and the like will only get you so far. But everyone loves a loser (figuratively speaking, of course).
And speaking of losers . . . how about those recent elections? Dems had to pretend to be morally and fiscally conservative (for the most part) to win. The whole anti-Iraq sentiment was misjudged more than can be imagined. You didn't even need to say, 'I wanna bring the boys back home;' everyone just presumed that if you weren't with the other team, you felt that way.
So, what's next? Do we see radical changes, or is it pretty much going to be 'meet the new boss / same as the old boss'?

The question of major changes hinges with those "blue dog democrats" who ran on a conservative platform if they hold to their guns there will not be a major change, but if they are influenced by the liberal leadership of their party we will see some change.
LOL @ Losers
That picture is great
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