
December 15, 2006

You read it here first (. . . sort of)!

Many moons ago in an entry entitled, "Wii: I'm just not sure," I repeated the concerns of some others that Nintendo's runaway console may be relying too much on the gimmick of motion-sensing controls. By visiting the linked item above, you'll see a video I found showing the ease with which the fancy new controller could leave your hand and make physical contact with your TV or general surroundings.

My overall distrust of the reliance on motion play took a turn for the worse on Friday with this news story in the Washington Post:
Japanese gamemaker Nintendo on Friday announced the recall of 3.2 million straps for its popular Wii computer game controllers.
The problem? People are apparently putting too much faith in the structural integrity of the thin wire connecting the wrist to the controller. Controllers are flying, TVs are getting broken and consumers cannot be trusted to simply take it down a notch.

Until the multimillion piece replacement project is complete, everyone is asked to be a little more careful and exhibit some self control. And if you can't do that, then maybe you don't need to Wii after all . . .

1 comment:

Travis said...

It ain't hard folks. Just hold on to the controller and tone down your motions.