This is easily one of the worst candies ever -- far worse than Circus Peanuts, Cinnamon Disks or anything made by those horrible confectioners at Ferrara Pan.
We purchased the lousy candy some time ago at a local British food and gifts store. We forgot these things were still here until we recently cleaned out a storage area while looking for a piece of missing mail.
The remaining two rolls of Parma Violets then somehow ended up under the vacuum. When I started it up, these things just stayed there, getting in the way -- there was no way the machine was going to consume these chucks of candy crap.
So, just what makes these things so bad? They're chalky like an antacid tablet. They have a bad flowery taste like the one that might settle in your mouth were you to enter an elevator or other close space occupied by too many large, stinky old ladies. The bad taste stays in your mouth for several minutes after they (the candies, not the old ladies) are dissolved.
To sum up -- Parma Violets are really just gross and should be avoided at all cost. I can't think of a reason why anyone would want to eat them.
And you should in no way use these horrible treats to indict all British goodies. My somewhat-limited experience with candies from across the pond is that they are, for the most part, better than American treats.
Of course, my all-time favorite candy item is also an import . . . . yum!
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