Canoeist stabs bear to death in Ontario
This headline says it all, but take a closer look.
- The knife: 15 centimeters = 5.905511805 inches
- The bear: 90 kilogram = 198.416 035 966 pounds
- The Staffordshire breed: Height= 17 - 19 inches Weight= 40 - 50 lbs.
And, something like this has happened in the not-too-distance past. Consider this story:
Man armed with knife kills starving bear (2003) "John Hirsch . . . had only a 3 1/2-inch knife blade when he came across the bear in his backyard . . . 190 miles northeast of Vancouver."
My Canadian relatives do not mess around when it comes to bears. And if you're ever in a bar where someone comes up and tries to take all your stuff or paw through the trashcan, there's nobody you want at your back more than a Canadian with a knife, eh?
I spend a lot of time in the northern Canadian bush (woods for you non-Canuck speakers). And ever since the idiot environmentalist tree-hugger types voted a ban on the spring bear hunt, the black bear situation has gotten worse and worse. There were over 900,000 black bear in Ontario at the time of the ban. They are hardly endangered. However, they are now becoming overpopulated. There is simply not enough territory to support the population levels we are now reaching. As a result bears are moving into new areas, like towns and backyards. They are also under fed and sickly and weak.
This is what happens when stunningly ignorant environmental zealots make stupid laws. The bears, the ecology of the region, other animals, and people are suffering.
Save the planet, eat a tree-hugger.
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