Today is the day that the NFL officially releases the 2010 schedule for all 32 teams.
In true NFL fashion, there is a big production set for the unveiling of the who-what-when-where for the new year. Looks like NFL Network subscribers will get the lowdown during a program set for 7 pm (est) tonight!
I'm really excited about this. Unlike so many other professional sports, the NFL has managed to pack all the drama and excitement of an entire season in 16 easy-to-mange, regular-season events. That's it - 16 games, then the post season.
This also helps me set my schedule of where I'll be this Christmas! Please please please be somewhere warm this year....
You know how your mind wanders and you ruminate on thoughts that may (or may not) mean anything of any significance to anyone?
Today brought yet any other of those moments for me.
I overheard a situation from its seemingly inconsequential beginning through to its as-expected end. It really isn't anything newsworthy or otherwise notable, but I overheard the whole thing.
To summarize:
Person 1: "Well, Person 2. I haven't seen evidence that Person 3 did a certain thing." Person 2: "Really? That's interesting. Hum..... Hey, Person 3! Did you do this thing?" Person 3: "I'm sure I did, Persons 1 and 2. But please allow me to make sure."
See, I knew how the whole situation would play out. I knew once the first comment was made that this other person (Person 3) would be asked about it. I even knew the timing and manner of the asking....
It was then that I began to wonder. "Unless I'm simply stuck in the biggest - and most meaningless - of space/time continuum fractures, could it be possible that predictability actually equates to inevitability?"
For a real definition of terms, I am look at "predictability" to mean "indicating something in advance." And for me, "inevitability" means "incapable of being avoided." True enough; there could have been 1 billion alternate sets of circumstances following the initial comment. Virtually anything could have transpired, including (but not limited to) an earthquake, medical emergency or Rapture.
But what ultimately occurred was exactly what I thought would happen... like it was just bound to be that way and that way alone. Almost like I knew that there was no other possible course of action that could be allowed without the universe rupturing.
And if this really is about predictable behaviors or actions in repeatable circumstances and familiar settings, does that somehow diminish the seeming inevitability of what ensued? Could it really be possible that what happened was totally unavoidable?
And if this was unavoidable, could it mean that it is impossible for someone to change their ways and disrupt the flow? If someone were to, say, decide not to badger the living daylights out of someone - just this once - would there be a cosmic allowance whereby that inevitable course of action didn't occur?
I remain unresolved in providing an adequate explanation for the whole thing, and I am also willing to admit that this is all probably only meaningless ramble.
Well, it just so happened that I spent the weekend traveling up and down a ladder for the sake of facilitating some much-needed home repairs. I've now learned that there's nothing like a trip or 20 via ladder to remind you just how old and out-of-shape you've really become.
The good news is that more than half of it is done. The bad news is that there is still about half to do. Yikes.
Please pray for my aching knee joint. Perhaps it will get all better before I have to climb the ladders again. Thanks ....
Ok, so there is so much to complain about that this blog couldn't possibly hold it all.
But then again, who wants to read nothing but complaints? Nobody, that's who.
Moving right along.....
I have recently been increasingly intrigued by the common usage of phrases and terms, including "house on fire." So let us talk about that for a minute.
Have you heard this one? "I got a real house on fire here!" "Forget that other project; this is the house on fire."
We as messaging consumers are to consider whatever is labeled "house on fire" to be of the utmost priority. It would appear that without regard of any other outstanding known issues, we are to immediately engage this "house on fire" with as much gusto as is humanly possible.
So what's wrong with this terminology? I'll tell you what.... kinda moving from the metaphorical to reality.
Typically, a house or other structure ablaze is readily apparent to even the most casual of observers. Where there is smoke and that terrible smell, there is typically a fire (unless someone is rubbing their rotten sneakers together).
And there's ash and heat and firefighters and sirens from trucks and people standing around pointing at it and weeping family members or friends and helicopters overhead and countless other indicators that you are, indeed, in the presence of a flaming domicile.
And there are people efforting with urgency to subdue the conflagration. If you've never been up close and personal to a house fire, you might not get it. But believe me - when you've got a real house on fire in your face, it's hard to miss.
Here's what doesn't lead you to believe the whole "house on fire" routine. Someone shouting a directive or otherwise hastily providing "direction" regarding something you knew nothing about just moments ago.
Say you've got things - projects, ideas, work-related goals or whatever - that are exclusively in your head, daytimer or spreadsheet. Well guess what: the rest of the world likely knows nothing about them. You are seeing ashes, hearing the trucks and manning a hose.... the rest of us are going about our business because there is nothing to see here.
"Failure to plan on your part does not necessitate an emergency on my part." Firefighters, mercifully, are not trained to live by the motto, and apparently many others are keenly unaware of it's meaning....
So in short, I'm not your firefighter. And I don't smell smoke... So don't come around here trying to sell me your burning building business!
Take a plane, and remove a third of the seats. Rearrange the remaining seats to provide more leg room.
Remodel the entire interior of the plane, including the toilet area, to be flame resistant. Use dark colors to hide nicotine stains and cigarette burns.
Advertise as the only American flight for American smokers. Comp the drinks, smokes and lighters. Make sure the crew all sign agreements fully acknowledging the second-hand smoking environment, and allow them to smoke while on the job.
Charge three times the amount of money for a normal, comparable flight. Profit.