November 30, 2006
I don't really care for The Beatles that much, and Fiona Apple isn't my favorite. But this is an example of the music video genre at its best.
The idea of judging a song by its status as a "single" is now obsolete. Music videos still exist, believe it or not, but they're really no longer that plentiful. I couldn't tell you the last time someone downloaded Apple's take on this Beatles tune, but with possible pending release of the Fab Four's albums on iTunes it won't belong before mp3s abound.
So for now, enjoy a free near-cinematic take on this memorable track.
Yet another take . . .
The idea of judging a song by its status as a "single" is now obsolete. Music videos still exist, believe it or not, but they're really no longer that plentiful. I couldn't tell you the last time someone downloaded Apple's take on this Beatles tune, but with possible pending release of the Fab Four's albums on iTunes it won't belong before mp3s abound.
So for now, enjoy a free near-cinematic take on this memorable track.
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru De Va, om,
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru De Va, om,
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my opened views inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying Love which shines around me like a
million suns, It calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru De Va, om,
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Jai Guru De Va
Jai Guru De Va
Jai Guru De Va
Jai Guru De Va
Yet another take . . .
November 26, 2006
Wii: I'm just not sure.
This holiday weekend I had the chance to experience the Wii thanks to the founder of Big Head Mode. While I enjoyed getting some first-hand play time with the hottest new system, I'm not sure this is the total wave of the future.
Let me begin by saying that the price of the machine and the eventual online access to thousands of older games are tremendous selling points. And if you've had a Game Cube, you're good-to-go for backwards compatibility.
But the motion-sensing and physical shaking, swinging and flicking of the controller to guide play seems like it could wear thin in the long run. I enjoyed the bowling and tennis of the Wii Sports title, but the experience of the two-player mode of Red Steel was like a splash of cold water -- a total buzz killer.
I have read and heard some "gaming experts" say that the whole motion control is a complete gimmick . . . it hooks you for a while, but then there is a lack of real enjoyment in return. While I cannot say that I experienced this disappointment, I do find myself considering their comments indicating a lack of substantive third-party support might hinder the Wii later.
In the end, the Wii might be set for real failure if the titles produced for it are somehow "dumbed down" to accommodate gimmicky play. If licensees produce considerably stronger or more solid versions of their titles for competing platforms, then what's the point of constantly putting up with the weaker system?
I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to the eventual viability of the Wii as my best choice for a new system. And even if the motion magic proves to be little more than a gimmick, the Wii will remain a better choice for me than PC or online gaming.
Only time will tell . . .
November 21, 2006
Time for a change once again.
For those of you regularly tracking the Urban Docent's office NFL picks, you're now going to have to cross over to the Not Blogger to keep up.
Beginning with the post-game results for week 11, all updates on the NFL standings will be posted on The Not Blogger's Blog.
Thanks for the assistance in migration.
Beginning with the post-game results for week 11, all updates on the NFL standings will be posted on The Not Blogger's Blog.
Thanks for the assistance in migration.
November 17, 2006
I like video games, but not that much.
So the new PlayStation has sparked frenzied consumer riots akin to those witnessed over the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls of decades past. Read about the PS3 garbage here.
Remember Cabbage Patch Kids? They still make them. They still sell them. They are overpriced hunks of plastic and fluff collecting dust on shelves across the country.
In a few months, game players will be able to walk in to just about any store and purchase whatever they want without the hassle of standing in tremendous lines or squaring off with pushy people. And they won't have to camp out overnight to get what they want.
Just in case nobody has put you hip before now, let me be the first to tell you this:
Yes, you are now one of the "lucky ones" who has the new, shiny object. And just like that Cabbage Patch Kid, someone else will get it right after you; they might even pay less for something that comes with more.
In short, can't we all agree that these things are just ways to keep yourself entertained, and in the grand overall scheme of things are really not that important?
No matter how much enjoyment you will derive from it later, is it really worth going all-out and embarrassing yourself just to get it?
Depending on how you answer the above questions, this little bit of advice might help later:
Remember Cabbage Patch Kids? They still make them. They still sell them. They are overpriced hunks of plastic and fluff collecting dust on shelves across the country.
In a few months, game players will be able to walk in to just about any store and purchase whatever they want without the hassle of standing in tremendous lines or squaring off with pushy people. And they won't have to camp out overnight to get what they want.
Just in case nobody has put you hip before now, let me be the first to tell you this:
No toy, game or personal amusement device is worth punishing someone else to obtain or radically altering your routine -- even for just a while -- because you want to be first.You know what? You're not a better person because you got a PS3, and you weren't first.
Yes, you are now one of the "lucky ones" who has the new, shiny object. And just like that Cabbage Patch Kid, someone else will get it right after you; they might even pay less for something that comes with more.
In short, can't we all agree that these things are just ways to keep yourself entertained, and in the grand overall scheme of things are really not that important?
No matter how much enjoyment you will derive from it later, is it really worth going all-out and embarrassing yourself just to get it?
Depending on how you answer the above questions, this little bit of advice might help later:

November 14, 2006
Have you ever?

Well, you just might have to add the upcoming "Rocky Balboa" movie to your list of "Stallone films I find entertaining." In fact, this one might be good enough to bump another of his films from your list of favs.
In short, this is the last Rocky movie -- the final adventure of the aged and worn-out fighter that inspired a generation of would-be kings of the ring to enter the squared circle. Rocky plans to get tough again for one last fight, and he's taking on a decidedly younger, faster athlete to determine who is the all-time best. The rest is two hours of training, punching, training, punching and memorable shrugging.
The original Rocky (1976) was written by the star himself. Stallone supposedly banged out the script in three days after being inspired by a real fight. Thus an unsurpassed Hollywood sports franchise was born.
I have seen all the Rocky movies time and again; the fight choreography is some of the best in an American motion picture. Sure, the quality declined with each subsequent addition, and nobody really liked the last one. But this time, I have a good feeling about a Stallone flick . . . this one could really be good.
Interested? In keeping with the revolutionary influence of the Internet on motion-picture making, the Balboa movie has its own blog and complete online rundown of more than enough stuff to keep a fanboy squealing for hours . . . . .

November 11, 2006
New Blog Alert!!!!

Well, the author of that guest appearance now has his own domain: Midwest Motormouth. You can access it now by the link posted here, or visit it later with the link available on the right-hand side of this page under "other blogs".
I say, 'Greetings and welcome to the wild world of blogging.' Good times!

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68-84% Pretty good, you know that there are libraries and newspapers, and you remember what you've read. You were a child that wasn't left behind!
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November 10, 2006
Losers make us laugh

Why is it that losers -- portrayed correctly -- can be so darn funny? I mean in a way, isn't the number one movie in American essentially the tale of a strange loser muddling his way across the country? Fake falls, potty humor and the like will only get you so far. But everyone loves a loser (figuratively speaking, of course).
And speaking of losers . . . how about those recent elections? Dems had to pretend to be morally and fiscally conservative (for the most part) to win. The whole anti-Iraq sentiment was misjudged more than can be imagined. You didn't even need to say, 'I wanna bring the boys back home;' everyone just presumed that if you weren't with the other team, you felt that way.
So, what's next? Do we see radical changes, or is it pretty much going to be 'meet the new boss / same as the old boss'?

November 8, 2006
Official office NFL standings
November 6, 2006

"No team has bounced back from a 2-6 record and a loss in its eighth game to make the playoffs."

November 2, 2006
I got nothing
Well, I'm a little out of the game at the moment.
Please come back tomorrow to find some new stuff.
Please come back tomorrow to find some new stuff.
November 1, 2006
In case you haven't noticed . . .
The list of songs unfit for human consumption continues to grow.
Yes, more tunes have been added to our ever-increasing All-Time Worst Songs - Period list. You can see the most recent addition here as well as in more detail at The Not Blogger.
Yes, more tunes have been added to our ever-increasing All-Time Worst Songs - Period list. You can see the most recent addition here as well as in more detail at The Not Blogger.
DVD buffs beware!!!!

Why? Bad packaging, that's why. Here's what happened:
The top-most disc came off its holder. As a result, about a quarter of the play surface was scratched and cloudy. There was also a lima bean-sized cloudy spot on the surface opposite the majority of the damage.
I was disappointed. I took the discs back in an attempt to exchange them. But when I opened two subsequent sets at the store, I found identical damage to the play surfaces. Bummed, I received a full refund and when home with an alternate selection.
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